
Lessons from 2018: A Year Older and Wiser

Dec 10th, 2018

They say time flies when you’re having fun. Or, maybe it’s that time goes faster the older you get? In either event, both hold true for our KDM team. We’re a little older, a little wiser and we’re keeping life exciting. We’re focused on collaboration, not only with each other and our vendor partners but with the clients and projects that we’re excited about. It’s important to love what you do, and who you’re doing it with. (And, I’ll add) that it never hurts to look good while you’re at it.

Our KDM brand has made strides. We’ve zeroed in on our own brand clarity and consistency. Every touchpoint is an opportunity to learn something about our clients, potential clients, and brand advocates. Our newsletter has increased engagement because we’re sharing links to articles and events that we enjoy or attend around the city. Subscribe below! We publish social media content that we want to watch. We’re focused on spreading joy and knowledge. We’ve improved our branded assets like stationary, speaking materials and proposals. We’ve gone as far as sending New Year cards with confetti! Nothing says joy like confetti-am I right? We’re digging in to ensure that all elements of our KDM brand are congruent.

Alignment is key. Sometimes our projects have high stakes and critical timelines. Project management can be tough. We work through projects with the end in mind. We want to further the mission and reach of the groups that we work with, and we tie our fates together intentionally. We win when our clients continue to succeed.

We’ve been privileged to work with so many wonderful companies and organizations this year, but for one reason or another, we’ve taken a special attachment in our partnerships with: Indy Pride, Depict Data Studio and Barkefellers. Thank you for your trust and commitment to the process.

In 2019, we’re looking forward to the launch of our partnerships with teams like Cooler Design, Exhibit House and ThemeVision. (Stay tuned!) We continue to be passionate about our community and organizations that make a real difference: Freewheelin’ Community Bikes and Linking Indy Women. We take a lot of pride in being a small company who is focused on profit, but also social impact.

Our top Instagram post this year seems fitting- we love being part of Indy.


Of course, all of these relationships and projects would not be possible if not for our incredibly talented, smart and dedicated team. I consider myself extremely fortunate to be among these beautiful humans I call co-workers. Our clients benefit from the diversity of their collective influences and interests. In 2018 our queen of content, Nikki Trojanowski welcomed her 2nd child Cohen into the world. At the start of 2019, our design powerhouse Kristen Mast will welcome her firstborn. We’re so happy that our Kicks family is growing!

For our clients and friends who follow along, we hope you’ve enjoyed the levity, joy, and knowledge we’ve shared throughout the year. Plan to see more of that in 2019!

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