
Best Podcasts of 2018 & Why We Love Them

May 23rd, 2018

There are over half a million podcasts to choose from and the average podcast listener subscribes to just 6. They are loyal and dedicated, listening to an average of 7 episodes per week, and 80% listen to most or all of the podcast. [Edison Research] That's a lot of content! We are those loyal listeners and here are the podcasts we're always talking about.


Josh's Picks: Marketing & Murder


With Gary Vaynerchuk

What started with audio stripped from his Youtube videos soon became its own beast. Gary V is touted as a marketing guru and pioneer of new marketing trends, but truth be told, he just cuts to the elementary form of everything. Rather than sifting through layers of fluff, his New Yorker approach and tenacity drive a great message with actionable outcomes.

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With Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark

When I was driving through the open roads of Utah, I had limited service and was stuck with the top songs of the year on repeat while radio personalities were on holiday and awful Howard Stern reruns. Luckily, my co-pilot had downloaded episodes of My Favorite Murder. Despite my initial hatred for one of the hosts' voices and terrible storytelling ability, I can now say I am two years deep in recollections of gruesome murders and atrocities. This podcast serves as a reminder of what to look for next time you decide to take that late-night run or swipe right on Tinder.

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Abbigail's Picks: Feminism & Skepticism

Girlboss Radio

With Sophia Amoruso

Girlboss. It's a term we argue about the need for. Can't we just be bosses? Sophia herself has admitted she wishes she would've named it something else, but I'll gladly get behind what the name and media company stands for.

"We exist to redefine success for millennial women by providing the tools and connections they need to own their futures."

Each episode Sophia Amoruso talks with female founders, writers, creatives, strategists, you name it, who are either on the front lines of business or are flying above it, dropping ammunition from the air in the form of past experiences and truth bombs. This isn't just for women who want to be 'bosses'. It's about taking the boxed up idea of success and unpacking what it means to each individual.

A Great Episode: Patty McCord, Chief Talent Officer at Netflix, talks company culture (and what that REALLY means), hiring and firing techniques, and other HR insights.

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With Kyle Kinane and Dave Stone

Kyle and Dave are comedians based out of Los Angeles and their unscripted, wandering banter is refreshing and hilarious. They start each episode with a little catch up on life and usually spiral into food talk before finally getting to the main theme of the show, which is conspiracies, ghost stories, and other weird stuff. Dave researches a conspiracy theory like 'men in black' or 'flat earth' and then Kyle basically pokes holes in it for an hour, while still trying to humor Dave.  As Kyle said towards the end of one episode, "This whole show should be called Humor Dave."

A Great Episode: Florida Skunkape. Florida's Big Foot is elusive and smelly. Kyle's not buyin' it.

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Brooke's Picks: Light & Dark


With Guy Raz

Entrepreneurship fascinates me. I love the stories that come with the journey. I love hearing about successes, but more than that, I love hearing about their failures and lessons learned. Each week Guy Raz interviews a titan of industry, the people behind the brands, and each week I’m blown away by how ordinary the people are who’ve created extraordinary outcomes.

Start Here: If you haven’t already been tuning in, start with the interview of Patagonia: Yvon Chouinard from December 12, 2016. He’s non-traditional in the sense that he became a leader of a major brand completely by accident. He has a bit of a laissez-faire attitude and his commitment to product ownership and social consciousness is unmatched.

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With Greg Polcyn & Vanessa Richardson

On the days I’m feeling dark and twisty, I listen to Cults. I’ve always been fascinated with murders, mysteries, and serial killers, but Cults has a wonderful way of tying them all together. Each week they dive into the mind and backstory of the people who’ve started famous cults. It’s amazing that a person can be so influential on another person that they can compel that person to act on their own accord. A cult leader is the master of puppets, and who can resist a good Metallica reference?

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With Dax Shepard

On the days I’m feeling light and airy, I listen to the Armchair Expert. Why? I love a good laugh and while Dax is dorky, and a somewhat disjointed host, he has amazingly charming celebrity friends. From Kristen Bell to Pete Wentz, Ellen, and Jimmy Kimmel- his cast of characters gives him ample material. It’s light and provides intermittent comedic relief, and who couldn’t use more levity on their morning commutes?

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