
Grow Your Business with Facebook Ads: Getting Started

Aug 9th, 2017
Grow your business with Facebook ads

Facebook has the most users and largest reach of any social media platform. 61% of Americans 25-54 years old use Facebook and 53% of users check it several times a day. (I checked it midway through this post!) This is a valuable resource that not enough businesses are taking advantage of.

Does regularly posting on Facebook seem like a daunting task? It may not be necessary, especially if your business doesn’t have a large following. In this case, advertising on Facebook may be the best route. Create an account that serves as a business card with important contact information. Then, instead of spending time pushing out content to a few people who are listening, set up an ad campaign to get your message to thousands of people each day in your own target demographic.

Determining your ad objective is the first step.

What do you want your audience to do when they see your ad? Each Facebook ad has an objective that will fall into one of three categories:


Get people interested in your business. It’s important to carefully target your audience because your reach may be high and your brand awareness still low, meaning many people saw your ad, but are still not aware of, or familiar with, your brand.


Get people thinking about your business and seeking more information. You can use this ad type to drive traffic to your website, collect lead information, boost posts, or lead them to an app store when they can download your app.


Encourage people to buy your product or use your service. Get more people to your website where they will purchase a product or take another action. Installing a Facebook pixel on your site will allow you to track visitors on your site and advertise to them again later. This is also used to track conversions and measure the effectiveness of your ad.


facebook ad objectives


After you’ve determined your objective you’ll be able to choose your audience, set your budget, and create the actual ad. Then monitor the performance of the ad and possibly make adjustments- it may not take off and be as successful as you thought at first! This can take some time to track performance and change variables until it is performing like you hoped. Have questions about paid advertising on Facebook? Contact our team about how we can help grow your business.

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