
Summer is the Perfect Time for Chimney Masonry Repairs

Aug 18th, 2016

masonry repairs in Westfield INDuring the summer you probably aren’t thinking about your chimney. While you’re mowing the grass and swimming at the pool your wintertime fireplace is probably the last thing on your mind. However, summer is actually the best time to start thinking about your chimney. It’s recommended by the Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA) and the National Fire Protection Agency to have your chimney cleaned regularly and inspected annually. It’s during these regular maintenance visits that a certified chimney sweep will recognize issues with your chimney’s parts, lining, or masonry.

Scheduling a sweep and inspection in spring or early summer insures that you have enough time to make necessary repairs before burn season.

Common Masonry Repairs

One regular masonry issue that can come to light during a routine inspection is water damage which can shorten the life of your flue and your masonry chimney. Finding out that your chimney has a problem or needs repairs can be stressful, but finding out in the early summer can ease the stress because there is time to repair.

No matter what steps are taken to prevent damage, masonry chimneys do need repairs eventually. When repairs are required it’s usually due to cracks in the masonry and missing mortar. This occurs naturally over time due to weather and other factors. It is a relatively easy masonry repair. Other masonry repairs can include cosmetic repairs as well as rebuilds, and all of these repairs should be scheduled much sooner than fall. If you wait until fall to schedule your masonry repair, you run into cold weather. You don't want to be working on your chimney in the cold; you want to be using your chimney when it's cold!

When a chimney sweep works on your chimney we ask that you stop burning 24 hours before the scheduled appointment. This could mean a very cold day and night for your family if your fireplace or stove is your only source of heat. Although chimney sweeps are quick to repair, it’s always best to avoid running into burn season.

The Off-Season Benefit

Indy chimney repair and masonry workAs a general rule, summer is a great time to schedule any kind of chimney services because it’s considered the off-season for the industry. This means that chimney sweep companies are less busy, it’s easier to schedule an appointment, and repairs are scheduled in a timely manner, and not often bumped for emergency calls. When you wait to schedule your routine maintenance until summer is coming to an end, you never know if you’ll need repairs. You also never know how busy the company will be with new calls. A good rule of thumb is “better safe than sorry”! Don’t get left out in the cold when you have all summer to schedule these chimney services.

If you’re not sure what masonry repairs your chimney needs, or if you’re not sure what you can afford, you should talk to a certified chimney sweep today so you can stop guessing.

At Chimney Solutions Indiana there is always an expert standing by to take your call, schedule an appointment, and offer advice. Call today to find out our solution to your chimney needs. We proudly serve the greater Indianapolis, IN area and look forward to serving you.

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